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Migration & Immigration > Working

In what professions can I work in Germany?
For how long will I be allowed to stay?

To be allowed to work as non-EU citizens in Germany you need a residence permit. There are residence permits with different duration. These are determined by your professional qualifications. The following options are available:

• For employees: You will receive a residence permit if you can demonstrate a concrete job commitment in writing and also have a permit from the Federal Employment Agency. This only applies to so-called social insurance employments with correct handling according to German specifications such as minimum wage and working hours. Mini Jobs with an income up to € 450, 1-euro jobs or unofficial work called "moonlighting" do not constitute the basis for a residence permit.

• For graduates: International Graduates of a German university receive a residence permit for a maximum of 18 months, during which they have the opportunity to seek employment. If they are not able to find a job they have to leave Germany.

• For wanted professional groups: For professional groups, where highly qualified staff is sought, a special work permit is possible. You get the temporary residence permit "Blue Card EU". Prerequisite is a university degree recognized in Germany and a concrete writing proven job commitment with a minimum wage of € 48.400 or 37.752 €, depending on the profession. This occupational groups include physicians, engineers, and computer scientists. The residence permit through the Blue Card is initially valid for four years, but may be extended.

• For researchers: You will receive a residence permit if you have a contract with a research facility recognized by the BAMF. You must also prove that you have the financial means to secure your livelihood. That is, you are not entitled to support from the German government. This permit is valid for at least one year.


Employees section on the Family and Career website. There are working people watching a slogan says: "Nice that I don't have to worry about my family while I'm working!